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http://www.100md.com 2015年1月1日 中国中药杂志 2015年第1期
     [摘要]以老鸦瓣鳞茎为材料,探索(4±0.5) ℃冷藏过程中的形态和生理变化及冷藏对栽后生长情况的影响。结果表明,在10周的冷藏期内淀粉含量和淀粉酶活力呈下降趋势,可溶性蛋白含量先升后降,于第6周达到峰值。可溶性糖含量及还原糖含量逐渐上升,其中可溶性糖含量在冷藏初期上升缓慢,在4~8周急剧上升,并于第8周达到峰值。冷藏处理的鳞茎于第6周生根,较室温处理提前2周,但后期新生根的数量显著低于室温处理;贮藏过程中冷藏处理的芯芽长度始终大于室温处理,但差异不显著。冷藏处理利于鳞茎提前出苗,并显著缩短出苗时间且利于苗齐,但对出苗率影响不明显;冷藏后花发育不正常,结果率为0;冷藏能够延长老鸦瓣生育期并提高鳞茎产量。综上所述,初步认为(4±0.5) ℃冷藏6~8周为老鸦瓣鳞茎打破休眠的关键时期;冷藏能够延长老鸦瓣生育期并提高鳞茎产量。


, http://www.100md.com

    [通信作者]*郭巧生,Tel:(025)84395980, E-mail:gqs@njau.edu.cn

    Effects of low temperature on dormancy breaking and growth after

    planting in bulbs of Tulipa edulis

    YANG Ying1, ZHU Zai-biao1, GUO Qiao-sheng1*, MIAO Yuan-yuan1, MA Hong-liang1,2, YANG Xiao-hua1

    (1.Institute of Chinese Medicinal Materials, Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing 210095, China;
, 百拇医药
    2.Guangzhou Baiyunshan Zhongyi Pharmaceutical Company Limited, Guangzhou 510530, China)

    [Abstract]The effect of low temperature storage on dormancy breaking, sprouting and growth after planting of Tulipa edulis was studied. The results showed that starch content and activity of amylases significantly decreased during 10 weeks of cold storage, soluble protein content raised at first then decreased, and the peak appeared at the 6th week. However, total soluble sugar content which increased slowly at first than rose sharply and reducing sugar content increased during the storage duration. The bulbs with cold storage treatment rooted in the 6th week, which was about 2 weeks earlier than room temperature storage, but there were less new roots in the late period of storage. After stored at a low temperature, bud lengths were longer than that with room temperature treatment. Cold storage treatment could promote earlier emergence, shorten germination time, prolong growth period and improve the yield of bulb, but rarely affect the emergence rate. It was not beneficial to flowering and fruiting. The results indicated that 6-8 weeks of cold storage was deemed to be the key period of dormancy breaking preliminary.
, 百拇医药
    [Key words]Tulipa edulis; bulb; dormancy breaking; low temperature storage; physiological characteristics


    老鸦瓣Tulipa edulis (Miq.) Baker为百合科郁金香属药用植物。其去膜质皮和绒毛后的干燥鳞茎为中药材光慈姑,具有解毒散结,行血化瘀之功效,主治咽喉肿痛,瘰疬,痈疽,疮肿,产后瘀滞[1-2]。目前光慈姑来源依靠野生采挖,野生资源近年来急剧减少而需求量逐年增加,因此供需矛盾日渐突出,人工栽培技术是解决光慈姑原料供应的关键。

    老鸦瓣为早春多年生草本植物,鳞茎具有自然休眠的特性,且休眠时间较长。在人工栽培的过程中,采取一定的措施解除鳞茎的休眠对于延长生育期并提高产量具有重要意义。温度是影响鳞茎植物休眠的主要因素之一,而低温处理以其高效、无毒、操作简便、成本低廉等特点被广泛应用。目前关于冷藏解除鳞茎休眠的研究已有较多报道,如低温冷藏80 d可以解除百合鳞茎的休眠[3];2~10 ℃冷藏8~15周可解除郁金香鳞茎的休眠[4];贝母鳞茎需要经过4~8周的冷藏才能打破休眠[5]等等。近年来,关于老鸦瓣的研究主要集中在组培快繁[6]、物种鉴别[7]及栽培技术[8-9]等方面,老鸦瓣鳞茎休眠解除方面的研究鲜见报道。, 百拇医药(杨颖 朱再标 郭巧生 缪媛媛 马宏亮 杨小花)
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